Ringless Voice Mails

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Ringless Voice Mails

Ringless Voice Mails allow you to send a pre-recorded Audio recording to multiple Contacts at the same time. The message is dropped directly to a person’s VoiceMail.

The Caller ID number can be configured, by first going through a validation process.

Ringless Voice Mails can be sent immediately, or scheduled for later delivery.

How to create a Ringless Voice Mail

To create a Ringless Voice Mail message, go to Send Voice > Ringless Voice Mails.

  • 1. Enter the RVM Broadcast Name.
  • 2. Select Contacts and/or Groups that the RVM will be sent to.
  • 3. Enter a Caller ID number, which needs to be validated, before its first use.
  • 4. Click the Validate button. You will receive a call from:
  • (415) 723-4000 with a PIN number.
  • 5. Select a pre-recorded Audio.
  • 6. Schedule the message, or
  • 7. Click the Submit button, to send immediately.